Monday, November 17, 2014

                                                MUSAEUS     COLLEGE                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 


Marie Musaeus HigginsMarie Musaeus Higgins, after whom Musaeus College is named, is indeed a great personality of the 20th Century .The Founder Principal of Musaeus College is remembered with gratitude and affection in many Buddhist homes throughout Sri Lanka. With a rare and unflagging sense of dedication, she served the school and the cause of Buddhist education for 33 years. Her service continued until she passed away 78 years ago, on the 10th July 1926.Mrs. Higgins was the daughter of the Chief Justice of Wismar in Macklenberg, Germany. After having graduated and obtaining the title of Frau Professor, she proceeded to the United States of America and was engaged in educational work there. She married Mr. A Higgins an Officer in the US army. With the demise of her husband she came to Ceylon to help Col. Olcott, in his educational mission towards the upliftment of Buddhist people of Sri Lanka.

Historical works

As an authoress she wrote a series of historical books for the use of schools which are very popular today both among the young as well as the old. Through the media of these books written in the most charming style, the great majority of Buddhists have come to learn something of their early history. Mr. J. Harward one of the late Directors of Education in Ceylon encouraged her to write these books and he wrote a very sympathetic foreward to her first volume.                                       

About Our School

Musaeus College, founded in 1891, owes its beginning to the piety and selfless dedication of Mrs. Marie Musaeus Higgins, its founder Principal, and to the generosity of Mr. Peter de Abrew, the first Manager.
Established in 1891 with very meagre resources in a humble, mud-walled, lowly thatched hut with one teacher and twelve pupils, the school has progressively grown in size and reputation over the years. Today, Musaeus College has evolved into one of the country’s most dynamic, progressive and forward-thinking academic institutions, achieving the distinction of being the premier Buddhist Girls’ College in Sri Lanka.
The school possesses imposing and spacious buildings in a land of 4 ½ acres, in pleasant surroundings. It is situated in Cinnamon Gardens and is approached from Rosmead Place, which extends up to Barnes Place.
The religious atmosphere and the cultural and educational standards maintained from its inception has earned for Musaeus a name recognized and respected by all, and especially by the Buddhists of Sri Lanka.
Outside the classroomThe school at present has an enrolment of over 6,700 students and a wstaff of ell-qualified over 300 teachers.                                                                                                                                       


School Anthems

Play the School Anthem                                                                                                                                                                                

School Song                                                                                                                                      



Mr. Ajita de ZoysaThe  The TheCollege is governed by a Board of Trustees, comprising of eminent and distinguished personnel in the country. They oversee the stragetic development of the school and for the effective and efficient use of resources. At present the Board of Trustees consist of the following:
Mr. Ajita de Zoysa
Mr R. C. de Silva
Mr. Navin Gooneratne
Mr. J. B. L. de Silva
Mr. C. R. de Silva
Mr. N. Gunatillake
Mrs. I Weeratunge
With over 6700 students, 300 teachers and another 100 supportive staff, Musaeus College has highly complex administrative requirements. Decentralization is vital for smooth management.

The Principal is responsible for the overall management of the whole school, assisted by the Deputy Principals and the Head Mistresses of the Primary and Nursery Sections.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    

Mrs. S Dandeniya
Mrs. S. Dandeniya
Deputy Principal
Mrs. R. Gunaratna
Mrs. R. Gunaratna
Deputy Principal
Mrs. C. Jayathilaka
Mrs. C. Jayathilaka
Head Mistress -
Primary Section
Mrs. S. Tennakoon
Mrs. S. Tennakoon
Head Mistress –
Nursery Section
Mrs. M. Wijewardena
                                Mrs. M. Wijewardena                                                              

Our Principals

Mrs. Marie Musaeus Higgins1893 – 1926Principal Mrs. Dandeniya 
Mrs. S. Dandeniya (Principal)
Mrs. A E Peterson1926 – 1928
Mrs. Stevens1928 – 1930
Mrs. Sujatha Nimalasuriya1930 – 1947
Mrs. Majorie Davidson (Acting)1946 – 1947
Mrs. Seela Munasinghe (Acting)1948
Mrs. Clara Motwani1948 – 1954
Mrs. B. I. Ratwatte1954 – 1959
Mrs. Regina Perera1959 – 1965
Mrs. Dulcie Ganendra De Silva1963 – 1972
Mrs. Kamala Rajapakse1972 – 1980
Mrs. Irene Abeysekera1980 – 1981
Miss C. K. Abayaratna1981 – 1994
Mrs. N.K. Pilapitiya1995 – 2008
Mrs. S. Dandeniya2009 todate


Monday, November 10, 2014

Communication via the Web
Although there are many advantages, researchers argue some disadvantages of an internet based society. Most of these drawbacks are a result of decreased face-to-face communication and the ability to escape identity.
Negative effects on family communication
Although there are conflicting research findings on this topic, an article published by Science Daily reported that time spent on the Internet was associated with later declines in within house family communication and a decrease in the number of friends and acquaintances with which they kept ties.
There are many advantages of using the Internet, such as :
  • Global Audience
    Content published on the World Wide Web is immediately available to a global audience of users. This makes the World Wide Web a very cost-effective medium to publish information. Reaching more than 190 countries. 
  • Operates 24 hours, 7  days  a week
    You don't need to wait until resources are available to conduct business. From a consumer's perspective as well as a provider's business can be consummated at any time. The fact that the Internet is operational at all times makes it the most efficient business machine to date. 
  • Relatively Inexpensive
    It is relatively inexpensive to publish information on the Internet. At a fraction of the cost to publish information by traditional methods, various organizations and individuals can now distribute information to millions of users. It costs only a few thousand dollars to establish an Internet presence and publish content on the Internet. 
  • Product Advertising
    You can use the World Wide Web to advertise various products. Before purchasing a product, customers will be able to look up various product specification sheets and find out additional information. You can use the multimedia capabilities of the World Wide Web to make available not only various product specification sheets but also audio files, images, and even video clips of products in action. The beauty of the Web is that it allows customers to explore products in as much detail as they desire. If the client just wants a general overview, he or she can look at the advertising information. For those wanting more in depth information, you can provide white papers and product descriptions for download. The Web allows a business to provide timely information, you can simply place the information on the Web page and it is available immediately for your customers. 
  • Distribute Product Catalogs